About Me
Australian-born and educated criminologist, I received my Ph.D. from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane Australia. My research focuses on women who perpetrate violence, in particular, women who kill. My research differs from much of the criminological research pertaining to violent offending. I do not focus on the crime and motive of offending, but rather explore the larger lives of women who violently offend. My contention is research that limits itself to crime and motive or analyzing only crime statistics, yields an incomplete understanding of the phenomenon of killing by a woman. Women who kill are “more than their crime.” In order to capture the lives of women who commit such crimes, I rely on qualitative research methods to conduct extensive one-to-one interviews with women. To date, I have interviewed over 100 women in multiple maximum security prisons where most serve life sentences. Within the United States my research includes Pennsylvania and Texas with more states forthcoming. Internationally, I have interviewed women in Australia and Ireland. I was driven by the passion to provide a voice to this largely dismissed group of women. I have accomplished this in part through my scholarly research articles and book chapters. Furthermore, I have engaged through a media lens to help communicate the narratives of the women. This includes producing an educational documentary titled, “Until We Have Faces: Women Serving Life,” filmed within a Pennsylvania women’s state prison. I am also the producer of a podcast series, “Self- Identities: Conversations with Convicted Women.” Here I engage in conversation with individual women incarcerated for violent crimes to include murder, produced from inside the prison walls. I have chosen not only to conduct research and produce educational media projects, but also personally strive to remain in contact with many of the women through visiting and written correspondence. Some relationships span almost two decades. I am a Pennsylvania Prison Society Official Visitor. I currently teach and reside in Pennsylvania in the United States.

Advanced Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist
(Certificate of Completion)
Arizona Trauma Institute
Arizona, United States
Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist - Individual
(Certificate of Completion)
Arizona Trauma Institute
Arizona, United States
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
Faculty of Law: School of Justice
Specialization: Criminology: Gender and Violence
Queensland University of Technology (QUT),
Brisbane, Australia
Master of Business: Communication
Graduate Diploma: Communication
Queensland University of Technology (QUT),
Brisbane, Australia
Teaching Interests
Corrections (Includes International Perspectives)
Gender & Crime
Victimology & Violent Crimes
Qualitative Research Methods
Select Education Interests
United States Federal Government: Department of Education, LINCS – Literary Information and Community Center
January 21, 2021
“Teaching Incarcerated Individuals Serving Long Sentences”
January 11, 2021
“Women in Corrections”
Facilitated two federal government online discussion groups, pertaining to teaching/pedagogy approaches for women incarcerated for life, life without parole. Collaboration: Director of Education from SCI. Muncy Pennsylvania.
Select Book Chapters
Whiteley, K. M. (2018). “I am more than a crime!” In Media, Prison, and Experience, K. Foss (Ed). NC: McFarland Publications. Whiteley, K., Bloom, T., & Friedman, H. (2014). Criminal justice and its many injustices: Focus on prison psychology within the United States. In: Praeger Handbook of Social Justice and Psychology, CA: Praeger. Whiteley, K. (2014). Feminist theories of criminal behavior. In the Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice: Vol. IV, NJ: Wiley: Blackwell. Whiteley, K. (2014). Power control theory. In the Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice: Vol. IV, NJ: Wiley: Blackwell. Whiteley, K. (2012). Monstrous, demonic and evil: Media constructs of women who kill. In Crime Media and the Perpetuation of Racism, Sexism and Class Stereotypes, J. Connors (Ed). NC: McFarland Publications. Ling, E., & Whiteley, K. (2012). An introduction to restorative justice. In: An International Perspective on Restorative Justice. Charlton, J., Verrecchia, P., & D. Polizzi (Eds). Centre for the Study of Crime, Restorative Justice and Community Safety, Richmond: Canada. Whiteley, K. (2008). Online teaching: Enhancing distance learning. In Teaching in the global business classroom. Dalglish, C., & P. Evans (Eds). 119-130. London, England: Edward Elgar. Goddat, M., & Whiteley, K. (2007). Is the use of computer mediated communication for developing critical thinking and effective method to facilitate the discursive multi-cultural classroom? In: The Challenges of Educating People to Lead a Challenging World. Springer/Kluwer, 361-384.
Whiteley, K., & Polson, E. (2019). Streams in the desert: Exploring religion and spirituality among incarcerated women with lengthy sentences. Journal of Spirituality and Mental Health, August. Whiteley, K. (2005). Researching violent female offenders: Why so little? Mens Rea Journal, Vol.2. Whiteley, K. (2004). Researching violent female offenders in Queensland: A reflective study on the process and methodology. Mens Rea Journal, Vol.1. Goddat, M., & Whiteley, K. (2003). Critical thinking: From the online environment to the multi-cultural classroom. Queensland University of Technology, Online Teaching: Excellence, Making the Connections, 129-140.
Select Journal Publications